
Sundays at 11 a.m. Spiritual service in the Chapel by a different speaker each week.

Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Our Book Club is discussing A Course In Miracles Made Easy in the Fellowship Hall. Newcomers are always welcome.

Thursday mornings at 11 a.m. Yoga: A one-hour class in gentle stretching yoga in the Fellowship Hall. Victoria Rundquist, who has taught Yoga for more than 20 years, is our instructor. Bring a mat or towel if you plan to do floor exercises, but a chair version of yoga will also be taught. Bring an exercise stretch band or a man's necktie, and water for adequate hydration. Donation based.

Thursdays at 3 p.m. Join our Spiritual Discussion Group in the Fellowship Hall for thought-provoking movies, interviews, and more. If you have time, stay and continue the conversation at a local restaurant.